Wednesday 6 February 2013

What business should I start?

  "So Stephanie has said the only thing you need to start a business is a decision. I have decided to start a business and I still can't figure out what business to start". If this thought has passed through your mind, huraaayyyy, this post is for you.

Start a business doing something you love. It's that simple. The problem however is that all of a sudden,you might find that you don't know what you love to do anymore and you might begin to feel sad that you don't know yourself anymore. Fear Not!!! I've felt the same countless times, and here are some of the questions I had to ask myself:

What do you love to read about? What kind of books do you buy? What columns do you read in magazines? I have a weakness for craft books, so it's a no brainer that I started a craft business. I can spend hours reading materials on how to make stuff.

What do you like to research about? When you go on Google, what do you search for? What blogs do you follow? What information are you interested in learning about? Don't go and start a business because you hear people are making money there, because I assure you, you will enter one chance! Running a business requires hustle, which i'll be talking about later, and if you don't love what you do, even money will not be able to motivate you. You will just pack your load and move to the next "reigning" business.   If you still can't think of anything, ask your family and friends, they should know you wellllllll.

You can also try to remember times you have woken up very early or stayed up late at night to complete a task. It is only love that can make you do that.   Another thing that can help is what you loved to do as a child. I am talking about your REAL hobbies, not the ones you put on your CV. Lol. When I was much younger, I was so restless. Every holiday, I learnt one thing or the other. During this period, I went to a sewing school, learnt how to bake, crotchet, quilt, a point that they used to call me "Jane of all trades". When I think of it now, I just laugh because it shows that I have always wanted to create pretty things with my hands.

Try this exercise and it will definitely bring up some ideas.

Can you think of anyone who has started a business from doing what they love? Please tell us about them in the comment box below.

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Till next week, hugs and kisses...xoxo

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Tuesday 29 January 2013

The only thing you need to start a business

Starting a business seems daunting, especially when you have a very big dream, and just the thought of where to start from can leave you paralysed.

If that does not paralyse you, then the thought of where to get capital from, how to write a business plan, self doubt, how to combine it with your job/school, and all the other excuses that exist can make you postpone the date you plan to start.

The thing about procastinating is that you wake up one day, and you wonder what you've been doing with your life.

If you've ever thought about starting a business, and you have been worried about how to start, I'm here to tell you that the only thing you need to start is a decision. I will help you with the rest.

Subscribe to my weekly newsletters, and I will give you simple actionable steps to start a business you love.


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